Thursday, January 14, 2010

John Patrick 19 weeks- First Sweet Potatoes

Little man started real food this week. He just couldn't hold off any longer. He looks longingly at our food. He grabs our spoons of food and tries to shove it in him mouth. He grabs our glasses with both hands, brings them to his lips, and tilts back to sip water. He knows food, and wants in. The Dr. said this boy was ready, so we started him with sweet potatoes. Boy, did he love that. Honestly, we didn't put too much thought into what would be his first food. I just had lots of sweet potatoes left over from our dinner, and mashed it up. After a few tries with sweet potato he had bananas, then avocado, then carrots, and now at 20 weeks, pears. He loves it all. What a foodie. Maybe I have a future chef, or restaurant critic on my hands... we'll see how he does with more adventerrous flavors as time passes.

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