Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Simply perfect

I love this face- can't stop looking at it! Emily Hayes came over on Sunday and saved me big time by helping me get Baby Jack's newborn pictures taken. I just love these images. After John Patrick pooped all over my hands and Emily's blanket when we stripped him down, and then peed all over me, he finally settled into a deep enough sleep to let us capture these precious images. THANK YOU EMILY! I owe you big time!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our first days at home together

Can't believe that we came home from the hospital exactly one week ago tonight! The week flew by, and we've had a really nice, low-key time at home together. Daddy is just loving wearing John Patrick in the infant carrier, and washing dishes with him even! We tried some newborn portraits at home, but he was a little fussy in the knit cocoon I had made for him, so I am going to try again with my friend Emily tomorrow- look for more pictures soon! Here are a few of what we've been up to this week.

We took him to our favorite restaurant Black Market to celebrate his one-week birthday (we had hoped to go there for lunch the Thursday I ended up in labor with him). He was so good- slept in the infant carrier on daddy the whole time and didn't even flinch when the trains came passing by right next to us! We even enjoyed a visit from William's sister Sr. Joan Marie, who was in town for a conference this weekend. And, we have enjoyed lots of naps together! He is eating and sleeping so well, and is an all-around happy baby!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

John Patrick's first portrait session!

Baby is already getting used to the sound of the shutter and flash! My dear friend and fellow photographer Emily Hayes stopped in to the hospital to take pictures of Jack when he was exactly 1 day old. She is so awesome, and captured some beautiful images for us! Thank you Emily!!! By the way, anyone in the DC_area looking for portrait or event photography while I'm out on maternity leave should get in touch with Emily!

More pictures of John Patrick and his first visitors

Liitle (or should I say gigantic??) Jack was greeted by his aunts, uncles, cousins, and neighbors at the hospital. we feel so blessed to be surrounded by so much love and support!

John Patrick is here!

On Thursday at 5:29 pm, William and I were blessed with John Patrick's (Baby Jack) peaceful entry into the world. William was a phenomenal coach, and we worked together with the help of our midwife Sharon, at Shady Grove Hospital to bring him into the world safely. We experienced a beautiful un-medicated childbirth and were amazed when John Patrick weighed in at 9.2 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long!! I couldn't believe how big he was when they placed him on me immediately after he was born. You'll notice his chubby cheeks and his cute little chin that he tends to suck in.

We just got home from the hospital last night, and are settling into life as the three of us. Tired, and happy, we are making it along so far okay!

Thanks to everyone for your calls and emails and facebook comments! We love you all and can't wait to introduce Baby Jack to you all!